Berikut tautan untuk mengunduh formulir khusus pendaftaran Beasiswa Bank Indonesia Form Biodata Mahasiswa A.1
Berita Slider KM
Berikut kami sampaikan penerima beasiswa prestasi ekstrakurikuler dari Ditjen Belmawa Kemenristekdikti
No | Nama | NIM | Program Studi |
1 | Hafizna Arsyil Fadhli | 14/364033/PA/15877 | S1 ELEKTRONIKA DAN INSTRUMENTASI |
2 | Ahmad Jumadhi | 14/369321/SV/07311 | D3 ELEKTRONIKA DAN INSTRUMENTASI SV |
3 | Anindityo Agung Baskoro | 14/368499/TK/42576 | S1 TEKNIK MESIN |
4 | Curie Habiba | 14/364111/PA/15897 | S1 ELEKTRONIKA DAN INSTRUMENTASI |
5 | Galih Setyawan | 14/361328/SV/05607 | D3 TEKNIK ELEKTRO SV |
6 | Hernanda Melia Cholis | 16/396131/SV/10344 | D3 AKUNTANSI SV |
7 | Ilham Imaduddin | 13/352625/PA/15682 | S1 ELEKTRONIKA DAN INSTRUMENTASI |
8 | Lazuardi Ichsan | 14/364000/PA/15870 | S1 ELEKTRONIKA DAN INSTRUMENTASI |
9 | Maulanan Habibi Yusuf | 14/364061/PA/15884 | S1 ELEKTRONIKA DAN INSTRUMENTASI |
10 | Muhammad Iqbal Fahmi | 13/351120/SV/04152 | D3 TEKNIK ELEKTRO SV |
11 | Oktaf Agni Dhewa | 10/297073/PA/12972 | S1 ELEKTRONIKA DAN INSTRUMENTASI |
12 | Qaid Anwaruddin L | 14/366917/PA/16274 | S1 ELEKTRONIKA DAN INSTRUMENTASI |
13 | Rahadyan Adhyatmika | 14/363370/TK/41503 | S1 TEKNIK MESIN |
14 | Ryan Wiratama Bhaskara | 14/366984/TK/42271 | S1 TEKNIK MESIN |
15 | Suluh Adi Zanuar | 14/363205/TK/41387 | S1 TEKNIK MESIN |
16 | Umar Fadhil Ramadhan | 14/366406/TK/42112 | S1 TEKNIK MESIN |
17 | Yudha Bakti Nugraha | 14/369465/PA/16374 | S1 ELEKTRONIKA DAN INSTRUMENTASI |
18 | Aldila Irsyad | 13/345559/HK/19554 | S1 ILMU HUKUM |
19 | Alzimna Badril Umam | 15/381083/PA/16763 | S1 MATEMATIKA |
20 | Anang Rizki Muharrom | 15/380156/TK/43340 | S1 TEKNIK SIPIL |
21 | Asedio Satya Govinda | 14/366876/PA/16263 | S1 ELEKTRONIKA DAN INSTRUMENTASI |
22 | Dhanny Lazuardi Ramadhan | 14/367446/SP/26395 | S1 ILMU HUBUNGAN INTERNASIONAL |
23 | Hana Fauzyyah Hanifin | 15/377939/KU/17647 | S1 PENDIDIKAN DOKTER |
24 | I Putu Aditio Artayasa | 15/377944/KU/17652 | S1 PENDIDIKAN DOKTER |
25 | Maria Patricia Inggriani | 15/383075/KU/18275 | S1 PENDIDIKAN DOKTER |
26 | Mega Pistia Lumondo | 14/364551/SP/26125 | S1 ILMU KOMUNIKASI |
27 | Mufti Al Ummam | 15/378132/PA/16607 | S1 MATEMATIKA |
28 | Muhammad Kahfi Maulana | 17/411370/TK/45855 | S1 TEKNIK ELEKTRO |
29 | Muhammad Roihan Munajih | 15/379573/KU/17719 | S1 PENDIDIKAN DOKTER |
30 | Regina Rachel Gunawan | 16/395697/KU/18895 | S1 PENDIDIKAN DOKTER |
31 | Resita Sri Wahyuni | 14/364975/PA/16066 | S1 MATEMATIKA |
32 | Ricky The Ising | 16/394182/PA/17273 | S1 MATEMATIKA |
33 | Roihan Mohamad Iqbal | 16/393776/KU/18865 | S1 PENDIDIKAN DOKTER |
34 | Willy Sumarno | 12/334598/PA/14831 | S1 MATEMATIKA |
35 | Wyncent Halim | 14/367971/HK/20185 | S1 ILMU HUKUM |
Buku rekening dapat diambil di Bank Mandiri cabang FISIPOL dengan membawa FC KTP dan FC KTM.
Program Beasiswa Prestasi
- Biaya Pendidikan maksimal sebesar Rp7.500.000,00/semester
- Biaya hidup sebesar Rp1.000.000,00/bulan
- Program Pemagangan/Kerja Praktek, dan langsung bekerja setelah lulus di PT. Synergy Engineering dengan ikatan dinas selama 2 tahun
Proses Seleksi Beasiswa
Amount of Scholarship and Benefits
- IDR 650.000,- will be paid directly to the grantees’ bank account every month on the same date (not applicable due to Saturday/Sunday and Public Holiday)
- One time TOEFL Bonus (if any) and on time Graduation (exam) Bonus
- Free to join Capacity Building (to be selected), which held by Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia
Duration of Support
The scholarship starts from the 2nd year up to the standard duration of the study (S1 = 2nd – 4th year, D3 = 2nd – 3rd year), unless he/she is underperforms (IPK < 3.00), on leave, no confirmation of fund recipient and no news within a certain period of time, will get no scholarship during those period.
Requirements for applying scholarship
- 1st – 3rd year students of S1 and 1st – 2nd year students of D3
- Age not more than 27
- Financially deprived (stated in SKTM and/or Recommendation Letter of financial condition issued by the University)
- IPK ≥ 3.00
- Disciplines: Accounting, Agriculture, Fishery, Animal Husbandry, Architecture, Arts and Cultures, Arts and Design, Biology, Chemistry, Communication, Economics, Education, Engineering, English, Financial Management, Forestry, Geography, Sociology, Anthropology, Health/Medicine, History, Technology/ICT, Management, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Technic/Technology
- Active in organization and/or social-community
- Proficient in English will be an advantage
Required documents:
- Surat Keterangan Tidak Mampu (SKTM) from Kelurahan or Recommendation letter which stating your family’s economy condition from the School/University (Rector/Dean/Head of Study Program Department).
- The latest academic transcript / IPK (≥ 3.00)
- Parents’/guardian official income statement (for Institution/Private officers) at least the last 2 months.
- Parents’/guardian statement of work & income (for Entrepreneur) signed and sealed with meterai 6.000, and legalized by Kelurahan.
- Copies of ID (KTM and KTP).
- Copy of Family Card (KK)
- Copy of Bank Account (the front page of your own bank book)
- Electricity bill (at least the last 2 months bill)
- An essay about yourself (include family, study and social activities), why VDMS have to choose you to be one of the grantees; what is the advantage for you if you were chosen as grantee; and what will you do for the society after you received the scholarship. (Minimum 1,5 pages of A4, Font: Times New Roman, font size 11, and 1 spacing).
Online Registration:
to Apply click here and